1. Consider the following statements:
1. All artists are whimsical.
2. Some artists are drug addicts.
3. Frustrated people are prone to become drug addicts.
From the above three statements it may be concluded that
(a) Artists are frustrated.
(b) Some drug addicts are whimsical.
(c) All frustrated people are drug addicts.
(d) Whimsical people are generally frustrated.
Ans. (b)
Exp: All
artists are whimsical and some of the artists are drug addicts. Thus
all those artists who are drug addict are also whimsical. Hence some
drug addicts are whimsical and correct answer option is (b).
2. Examine the following statements:
1. Either A and B are of the same age or A is older than B.
2. Either C and D are of the same age or D is older than C.
3. B is older than C.
Which one of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above statements?
(a) A is older than B (b) B and D are of the same age
(c) D is older than C (d) A is older than C
Ans. (d)
Exp: A
is more than equal to B and B is more than C. Hence A is more than C.
Regarding ages of B and D, anyone can be elder or younger to anyone.
Hence answer is (d).
3. Examine the following statements:
1. Only those who have a pair of binoculars can become the members of the birdwatcher’s club.
2. Some members of the birdwatcher’s club have cameras.
3. Those members who have cameras can take part in photo-contests.
Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above statements?
(a) All those who have a pair of binoculars are members of the birdwatcher’s club.
(b) All members of the birdwatcher’s club have a pair of binoculars.
(c) All those who take part in photo-contests are members of the birdwatcher’s club.
(d) No conclusion can be drawn.
Ans. (b)
Exp: Only
those who have binoculars can be a part of birdwatcher’s club, hence
all the members of birdwatcher’s club will have binoculars for sure. But
all those who have binoculars may not be part of birdwatcher’s club.
Hence answer is (b).
4. During
the last summer vacation, Ankit went to a summer camp where he took
part in hiking, swimming and boating. This summer, he is looking forward
to a music camp where he hopes to sing, dance and learn to play the
on the above information, four conclusions, as given below, have been
made. Which one of these logically follows from the information given
(a) Ankit’s parents want him to play the guitar.
(b) Ankit prefers music to outdoor activities.
(c) Ankit goes to some type of camp every summer.
(d) Ankit likes to sing and dance.
Ans. (c)
Exp: No
reasons are specified in the question for going to different camps.
Since, Ankit goes for different camps for different years; we can surely
say that right answer is (c).
5. Three
persons A, B and C wore shirts of black, blue and orange colours (not
necessarily in that order) and pants of green, yellow and orange colours
(not necessarily in that order). No person wore shirt and pants of the
same colour. Further, it is given that
1. A did not wear shirt of black colour.
2. B did not wear shirt of blue colour.
3. C did not wear shirt of orange colour.
4. A did not wear pants of green colour.
5. B wore pants of orange colour.
What were the colours of the pants and shirt worn by C, respectively?
(a) Orange and black (b) Green and blue
(c) Yellow and blue (d) Yellow and black
Ans. (b)
Exp: Solving the question we will get the following table for these three persons
6. Ten
new TV shows started in January—5 sitcoms, 3 drama and 2 news
magazines. By April, only seven of the new shows were still on, five of
them being sitcoms.
on the above information, four conclusions, as given below, have been
made. Which one of these logically follows from the information given
(a) Only one news magazine show is still on.
(b) Only one of the drama shows is still on.
(c) At least one discontinued shows was a drama.
Ans. (c)
Exp: No
reason is provided for discontinuation of any program. Hence, nothing
can be claimed about option (d). Although, as only 7 shows are
continued, there are exactly 3 shows discontinued. Out of these 3
shows, maximum of 2 can be news magazines. Hence, at least 1 drama has
been discontinued. Hence answer is (c)
7. Read the passage given below and the two statements that follows (given on the basis of the passage) :
men are waiting at Delhi airport for a Mumbai flight. Two are doctors
and the other two are businessmen. Two speak Gujarati and two speak
Tamil. No two of the same profession speak the same language. Two are
Muslims and two are Christians. No two of the same religion are of the
same profession, nor do they speak the same language. The Tamil-speaking
doctor is a Christian.
1. The Christian-businessman speaks Gujarati.
2. The Gujarati-speaking doctor is a Muslim.
What of the above statements is/are correct conclusion/conclusions?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans. (c)
Exp: Assume four persons are A, B, C, D. Following table gives descriptions of these four persons.
Hence answer is (c)
8. Consider the following statement:
“Though quite expensive, television is not a luxury item, as one can learn many things through television.”
Which one of the following is a valid inference from the above statement?
(a) All expensive things is a valid inference from the above statement.
(b) All essential things for learning are not luxury.
(c) Television is essential for learning.
(d) Television is not a luxury item.
Ans. (b)
Exp: In
the statement given, television is considered not to be a luxury item
just because one can learn various things from it. So, we can say that
anything which is essential for learning is not luxury. Hence answer is
9. Mr.
Kumar drives to work at an average speed of 48 km per hour. The time
taken to cover the first 60% of the distance is 10 minutes more than the
time taken to cover the remaining distance. How far is his office?
(a) 30 km (b) 40 km
(c) 45 km (d) 48 km
Ans. (b)
Exp: Difference
between time taken to travel 60% of journey and time taken to travel
40% of journey is the time taken to travel 20% of the journey. Hence,
time taken to travel 20% of journey is 10 min and thus, time taken to
travel complete journey (100% of journey) is 50 minutes. Hence, total
distance is
Hence, answer is (b)
10. Gita is prettier than Sita but not as pretty as Rita. Then,
(a) Sita is not as pretty as Gita.
(b) Sita is prettier than Rita.
(c) Rita is not as pretty as Gita.
(d) Gita is prettier than Rita.
Ans. (a)
Exp: Rita is prettier than Gita and Gita is prettier than Sita. Hence, Sita is not as pretty as Gita. Hence, answer is (a).
11. Given that,
1. A is the brother of B.
2. C is the father of A.
3. D is the brother of E.
4. E is the daughter of B.
Then, the uncle of D is
(a) A (b) B
(c) C (d) E
Ans. (a)
Exp: B’s daughter is E and her brother is D. Hence, D’s uncle will be B’s brother who is A. Hence, answer is (a).
12. Examine the following statements:
1. Rama scored less than Ratna.
2. Rani scored less than Ratna.
3. Ratna scored more than Rama.
4. Padma scored more than Rama but less than Ratna.
Who scored the highest?
(a) Rama (b) Padma
(c) Rani (d) Ratana
Ans. (d)
Exp: Ratna
has scored more than Padma. Padma has scored more than Rama. Rama has
scored more than Rani. Hence, Ratna has scored maximum marks. Hence,
answer is (d).
Directions for the following 6 (six) items:
the following two passages and answer the items that follow each
passage. Your answers to these items should be based on the passages
Passage – 1
poor, especially in market economies, need the strength that
collectivities offer for creating more economic, social and political
space for themselves, for enhancing their socioeconomic well-being and
voice, and as a protection against free market individualism. It has
been argued that a group approach to farming, especially in the form of
bottom up agricultural production collectivities, offers substantial
scope for poverty alleviation and empowering the poor as well as
enhancing agricultural productivity. To realize this potential, however,
the groups would need to be voluntary in nature, small in size,
participative in decision making and equitable in work sharing and
benefit distribution. There are many notable examples of such
collectivities to be found in varied contexts, such as in the transition
economies. All of them bear witness to the possibility of successful
cooperation under given conditions. And although the gender impact of
the family cooperatives in the transition economies are uncertain, the
Indian examples of women-only groups farming offer considerable
potential for benefiting women.
13. Agricultural collectivities such as group based farming can provide the rural poor
1. Empowerment.
2. Increased agricultural productivity.
3. Safeguard against exploitative markets.
4. Surplus production of agricultural commodities.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(a) 1, 2, 3, and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3 only
(c) 2 and 4 only (d) 1, 3 and 4 only
Ans. (b)
14. What does the author imply by “gender impact”?
(a) Women are doubtful participants in cooperatives.
(b) Family cooperatives may not include women.
(c) Women benefiting from group farming.
(d) Women’s role in transition economies is highly restrictive.
Ans. (c)
15. Consider the following assumptions:
1. It is imperative for transition economies to have agricultural collectivities.
2. Agricultural productivity can be increased by group approach to farming.
With reference to the above passage, which of these assumptions is/are valid?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans. (c)
Passage – 2
a typical Western liberal context, deepening of democracy invariably
leads to consolidation of ‘liberal values”. In the Indian context,
democratization is translated into greater involvement of people not as
‘individuals’ which is a staple to liberal discourse, but as communities
or groups. Individuals are getting involved in the public sphere not as
‘atomized’ individuals but as members of primordial communities drawn
on religious or caste identity. Community-identity seems to be the
governing force. It is not therefore surprising that the so-called
peripheral groups continue to maintain their identities with reference
to the social groups (caste, religion or sect) to which they belong
while getting involved in the political processes despite the fact that
their political goals remain more or less identical. By helping to
articulate the political voice of the marginalized, democracy in India
has led to ‘a loosening of social strictures” and empowered the
peripherals to be confident of their ability to improve the
socio-economic conditions in which they are placed. This is a
significant political process that had led to a silent revolution
through a meaningful transfer of power from the upper caste elites to
various subaltern groups within the democratic framework of public
16. According to the passage, what does “deepening of democracy” mean in the Western context?
(a) Consolidation of group and class identities.
(b) Democratization translated as greater involvement of people.
(c) Democratization as greater involvement of ‘atomized” individuals in the public sphere.
(d) None of the statements (a), (b) and (c) given above is correct in this context.
Ans. (d)
17. Greater democratization in India has not necessarily led to
(a) The dilution of caste and communal identities in the public sphere.
(b) Irrelevance of community identity as a governing force in Indian politics.
(c) Marginalization of elite groups in society.
(d) Relative unimportance of hereditary identities over class identities.
Ans. (b)
18. What is the “silent revolution” that has occurred in the Indian democratic process?
(a) Irrelevance of caste and class hierarchies in political processes.
(b) Loosening of social strictures in voting behavior and patterns.
(c) Social change through transfer of power from upper caste elites to subaltern groups.
(d) All the statements (a), (b) and (c) given above are correct in this context.
Ans. (c)
for the following 5 (five) items: Examine the information given in the
following paragraph and answer the items that follow:
lectures on five subjects viz., Economics, History, Statistics, English
and Mathematics have to be arranged in a week from Monday to Friday.
Only one lecture can be arranged on each day. Economics cannot be
scheduled on Tuesday. Guest faculty for History is available only on
Tuesday. Mathematics lecture has to be scheduled immediately after the
day of Economics lecture. English lecture has to be scheduled
immediately before the day of Economics lecture.
19. Which lecture is scheduled on Monday?
(a) History (b) Economics
(c) Mathematics (d) Statistics
Ans. (d)
Exp for question 19 to 23:
has to be History and English, Economics and mathematics has to be on
consecutive days. Hence, these lectures will be scheduled as
20. Which lecture is scheduled between Statistics and English?
(a) Economics (b) History
(c) Mathematics (d) No lecture
Ans. (b)
21. Which lecture is the last one in the week?
(a) History (b) English
(c) Mathematics (d) Economics
Ans. (c)
22. Which lecture is scheduled on Wednesday?
(a) Statistics (b) Economics
(c) English (d) History
Ans. (c)
23. Which lecture is scheduled before the Mathematics lecture?
(a) Economics (b) History
(c) Statistics (d) English
Ans. (a)
24. Two
glasses of equal volume are respectively half and three-fourths filled
with milk. They are then filled to the brim by adding water. They are
then filled to the brim by adding water. Their contents are then poured
into another vessel. What will be the ratio of milk to water in this
(a) 1 : 3 (b) 2 : 3
(c) 3 : 2 (d) 5 : 3
Ans. (d)
Exp: Assume
two vessels to be 100 liters of capacity. Hence, first beaker will have
50 liters of milk and 50 liters of water. And second beaker will have
75 liters of milk and 25 liters of water. Mixing these two, we will get
125 liters of milk and 75 liters of water. Thus, the ratio of milk and
water will be 125 : 75 = 5 : 3. Hence, answer is (d).
25. Consider the following statements:
1. All machines consume energy.
2. Electricity provides energy.
3. Electrically operated machines are cheap to maintain.
4. Electrically operated machines do not cause pollution.
Which one of the following inferences can be drawn from the above statements?
(a) All machines are run by electric energy.
(b) There is no form of energy other than electricity.
(c) Most machines are operated on electric energy.
(d) Electrically operated machines are preferable to use.
Ans. (d)
Exp: As
per the question, Electricity is one mode of energy and there can be
other modes of getting energy. Although, question talks about positives
of electricity and thus, electrically operated machines are preferable
to use. Hence answer is (d).
26. Examine the following statements:
1. None but the rich can afford air-travel.
2. Some of those who travel by air become sick.
3. Some of those who become sick require treatment.
Which one of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above statements?
(a) All the rick persons travel by air.
(b) Those who travel by air become sick.
(c) All the rick persons become sick.
(d) All those who travel by air are rich.
Ans. (d)
Exp: As per the first statement, only Rich persons can travel by air. Hence, answer is (d).
27. In
five flats, one above the other, live five professionals. The professor
has to go up to meet his IAS officer friend. The doctor is equal
friendly to all, and has to go up as frequently as go down. The engineer
has to go up to meet his MLA friend above whose flat lives the
professor's friend.
From the ground floor to the top floor, in what order do the five professionals live?
(a) Engineer, Professor, Doctor, IAS officer, MLA
(b) Professor, Engineer, Doctor, IAS officer, MLA
(c) IAS officer, Engineer, Doctor, Professor, MLA
(d) Professor, Engineer, Doctor, MLA, IAS officer
Ans. (d)
Exp: Professor’s
friend is IAS officer as denoted in the first condition. The last
condition denotes that IAS officer lives in the flat above that of the
MLA. This is only in the case of option (d).