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Zoology Questions and Answers for Interview

1. Which of the following organism is iteroparous ?
(A) Pacific salmon fish 
(B) Virus
(C) Bacteria 
(D) Humans
Ans : (D)

2. A micromutation is—
(A) Polyploidy
(B) Addition of chromosome
(C) Deletion of chromosome
(D) Change in gene frequency
Ans : (D)

3. The limited period of sexual receptivity that occurs around the time of ovulation in all female mammals except humans is called—
(A) Menstruation 
(B) Luteinization
(C) Oogenesis 
(D) Estrus
Ans : (D)

4. The rate and force of the heart-beat, and the secretion of digestive glands are controlled by—
(A) Central nervous system
(B) Spinal nerves
(C) Cranial nerves
(D) Autonomic nervous system
Ans : (D)

5. Glycosidic bond is broken during digestion of—
(A) Protein 
(B) Starch
(C) Lipid 
(D) All the above
Ans : (B)

6. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibres are—
(A) Adrenergic 
(B) Cholinergic
(C) Both (A) and (B) 
(D) None of these
Ans : (B)

7. In glycosuria disorder, urine contains—
(A) Amino acid 
(B) Inorganic ions
(C) Glucose 
(D) Epithelial cells
Ans : (C)

8. Mammillary bodies are attached to the ventral side of—
(A) Olfactory lobe
(B) Cerebral hemisphere
(C) Diencephalon
(D) Medulla oblongata
Ans : (C)

9. Argentaffin cells are associated with—
(A) Tumour 
(B) Heart muscle
(C) Pericardium 
(D) Pelvis of kidney
Ans : (A)

10. Sweating on palm and sole due to psychic stimuli is called—
(A) Bradykinin 
(B) Blushing
(C) Cold sweat 
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

11. Capsule of Tenon is associated with—
(A) Eyeball 
(B) Brain
(C) Skin 
(D) Kidney
Ans : (A)

12. Which of the following law is associated with the fact that anterior spinal nerve roots contain only motor fibres and posterior roots only sensory fibres ?
(A) Magendie’s law 
(B) Bell’s law
(C) Both (A) and (B) 
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

13. In birds—
(A) Left oviduct and right aortic arch are present
(B) Left oviduct and left aortic arch are present
(C) Right oviduct, left ovary and right aortic arch are present
(D) Left oviduct, left ovary and right aortic arch are present
Ans : (B)

14. Ancestral amphibians were tetrapods that evolved during—
(A) Devonian period
(B) Carboniferous period
(C) Jurassic period
(D) Cretaceous period
Ans : (B)

15. Community health services involves—
(A) Control of communicable diseases
(B) School and health education
(C) Awareness of clean environment
(D) All the above
Ans : (D)

16. The active rolling over of endodermal and mesodermal cells from the embryo surface into the interior is defined as—
(A) Ingression 
(B) Involution
(C) Epiboly 
(D) Inversion
Ans : (B)

17. The wall of heart is made up of—
(A) Epicardium 
(B) Myocardium
(C) Endocardium 
(D) All the above
Ans : (D)

18. Genetic counsellors can identify heterozygous individuals by—
(A) Height of individual
(B) Colour of individual
(C) Screening procedures
(D) All the above
Ans : (C)

19. Which of the following enzyme is secreted by intestinal mucosa that remain closely associated with the microvilli ?
(A) Peptidase 
(B) Disaccharidase
(C) Trypsin 
(D) Both (A) and (B)
Ans : (D)

20. Which of the following is absorbed by intestinal mucosa by active transport ?
(A) Galactose 
(B) Glucose
(C) Fructose 
(D) Both (A) and (B)
Ans : (D)

Zoology Quiz Questions and Answers

Zoology Quiz 
1. A starving person consumes first—
(A) Body fats 
(B) Body proteins
(C) Vitamins 
(D) Stored glycogen
Ans : (D)

2. The functional unit of contractile system in striated muscle is—
(A) Cross bridges 
(B) Sarcomeres
(C) Myofibril 
(D) Z-band
Ans : (B)

3. Globular proteins undergo structural changes in response to extremes of pH or temperature, is called—
(A) Renaturation 
(B) Denaturation
(C) Combination 
(D) Both (A) and (B)
Ans : (B)

4. The study of relationships between size and shape is known as—
(A) Allometry 
(B) Heterochrony
(C) Isometry 
(D) Allochrony
Ans : (A)

5. A localised tumour covered by connective tissue is called—
(A) Metastasis 
(B) Neoplasm
(C) Benign tumour 
(D) Malignant tumour
Ans : (C)

6. Inherited Rh gene is found in—
(A) Rh+ individuals
(B) Rh individuals
(C) AB blood group individuals
(D) O blood group individuals
Ans : (A)

7. The ‘soft spot’ on the top of an infant’s skull is called—
(A) Suture 
(B) Fontanel
(C) Ligament 
(D) Fascia
Ans : (B)

8. Concentration of carbonic acid does not increase in blood due to the presence of—
(A) Na+ 
(B) K+
(C) Ca++ 
(D) Mg++
Ans : (A)

9. Staph food poisoning is related with—
(A) Salmonella bacteria
(B) Clostridium bacteria
(C) Staphylococcus bacteria
(D) None of these
Ans : (C)

10. Capacitation is—
(A) Final stage in maturation of spermatozoa
(B) Final stage in fertilization
(C) Maturation of ovum
(D) All of these
Ans : (A)

11. Overproduction of which of the following neurotransmitter has been associated with the mental disorder ‘Schizophrenia’ ?
(A) Acetylcholine 
(C) Dopamine 
(D) Serotonin
Ans : (C)

12. Milk tastes sour when kept in the open for sometime due to for-mation of—
(A) Carbonic acid 
(B) Lactic acid
(C) Citric acid 
(D) Malic acid
Ans : (B)

13. Red tide is caused by—
(A) Protozoans 
(B) Corals
(C) Dinoflagellates 
(D) All the above
Ans : (C)

14. A type of hypersensitivity to allergen in which humoral antibodies attach to mast cells and basophils, may result in circulatory shock, is called—
(A) Orthopnea
(B) Anaphylaxis
(C) Rhinitis
(D) Immunologic surveillance
Ans : (B)

15. Organisms with very high intrinsic growth rates have—
(A) Long generation times
(B) Short generation times
(C) No courtship behaviours
(D) No carrying capacity
Ans : (B)

Zoology Quiz - Zoology Test - Zoology Questions

1. Bruch’s membrane is found in—
(A) Inner ear 
(B) Uvea of eye
(C) Testes 
(D) Pancreas
See Answer:

2. Which part of brain allows one side of brain to control opposite side of body ?
(A) Midbrain 
(B) Medulla
(C) Cerebellum 
(D) Pons
See Answer:

3. Fetuin is found in—
(A) Foetus 
(B) Liver
(C) Spleen 
(D) None of these
See Answer:

4. Hensen’s body is associated with—
(A) Retina of eye 
(B) Organ of Corti
(C) Heart 
(D) Skin
See Answer:

5. Sensory receptor of warmth located principally at the lip of fingers is known as—
(A) Ruffini’s corpuscles
(B) Organ of Zuckerkandl
(C) Organ of Giraldes
(D) Weber’s organ
See Answer:

6. Which of the following is basic amino acid ?
(A) Alanine 
(B) Aspartic acid
(C) Asparagine 
(D) Arginine
See Answer:

7. Which of the following amino acid is sulphurbearing compound ?
(A) Methionine 
(B) Alanine
(C) Aspartic acid 
(D) Arginine
See Answer:

8. Negri bodies are associated with—
(A) Rabies 
(B) Typhoid
(C) Tuberclosis 
(D) Hepatitis
See Answer:

9. Schultze’s bundle is associated with—
(A) Brain 
(B) Spinal cord
(C) Heart 
(D) None of these
See Answer:

10. Schlemm’s canal is present in—
(A) Eye 
(B) Cochlea
(C) Spinal cord 
(D) Vertebrae
See Answer:

11. Hürthle cell is associated with—
(A) Thyroid gland 
(B) Pituitary gland
(C) Adrenal gland 
(D) Pancreas
See Answer:

12. A metastatic cancerous tumour is termed ‘sarcoma’, if the disorder is in—
(A) Immune system
(B) Epithelial cells
(C) Fibroblasts
(D) Circulatory system
See Answer:

13. Graft between isogenic individuals is known as—
(A) Syngraft 
(B) Allograft
(C) Xenograft 
(D) None of these
See Answer:

14. The most striking example of point mutation is found in a disorder called—
(A) Thalassemia
(B) Nightblindness
(C) Down’s syndrome
(D) Sickle-cell anaemia
See Answer:

15. The phenomenon of ‘industrial melanism’ demonstrates—
(A) Natural selection
(B) Induced mutation
(C) Reproductive isolation
(D) Geographical isolation
See Answer:

Zoology Quiz - Zoology Quiz Online

1. The active rolling over of endodermal and mesodermal cells from the embryo surface into the interior is defined as—
(A) Ingression (B) Involution
(C) Epiboly (D) Inversion
Answer: Involution

2. The wall of heart is made up of—
(A) Epicardium (B) Myocardium
(C) Endocardium (D) All the above
Answer: All the above

3. Genetic counsellors can identify heterozygous individuals by—
(A) Height of individual (B) Colour of individual
(C) Screening procedures (D) All the above
Answer: Screening procedures

4. Which of the following enzyme is secreted by intestinal mucosa that remain closely associated with the microvilli ?
(A) Peptidase (B) Disaccharidase
(C) Trypsin (D) Both (A) and (B)
Answer: Both (A) and (B)

5. Which of the following is absorbed by intestinal mucosa by active transport ?
(A) Galactose (B) Glucose
(C) Fructose (D) Both (A) and (B)
Answer: Both (A) and (B)

6. A starving person consumes first—
(A) Body fats (B) Body proteins
(C) Vitamins (D) Stored glycogen
Answer: Stored glycogen

7. The functional unit of contractile system in striated muscle is—
(A) Cross bridges (B) Sarcomeres
(C) Myofibril (D) Z-band
Answer: Sarcomeres

8. Globular proteins undergo structural changes in response to extremes of pH or temperature, is called—
(A) Renaturation (B) Denaturation
(C) Combination (D) Both (A) and (B)
Answer: Denaturation

9. The study of relationships between size and shape is known as—
(A) Allometry (B) Heterochrony
(C) Isometry (D) Allochrony
Answer: Allometry

10. A localised tumour covered by connective tissue is called—
(A) Metastasis (B) Neoplasm
(C) Benign tumour (D) Malignant tumour
Answer: Benign tumour

11. Inherited Rh gene is found in—
(A) Rh+ individuals (B) Rh individuals
(C) AB blood group individuals (D) O blood group individuals
Answer: Rh+ individuals

12. The ‘soft spot’ on the top of an infant’s skull is called—
(A) Suture (B) Fontanel
(C) Ligament (D) Fascia
Answer: Fontanel

13. Concentration of carbonic acid does not increase in blood due to the presence of—
(A) Na+ (B) K+
(C) Ca++ (D) Mg++
Answer: Na+

14. Staph food poisoning is related with—
(A) Salmonella bacteria (B) Clostridium bacteria
(C) Staphylococcus bacteria (D) None of these
Answer: Staphylococcus bacteria

15. Capacitation is—
(A) Final stage in maturation of spermatozoa (B) Final stage in fertilization
(C) Maturation of ovum (D) All of these
Answer: Final stage in maturation of spermatozoa

JEE Main forms 2013 Final Chance for correction of data

It is to notify all the aspirants and registered candidates of JEE (Main)-2013 formerly known as AIEEE  that one more chance will be available for the correction of data in JEE (Main) registration forms at JEE (Main) official website. This is to avoid any further problems and hardship. The registered candidates are advised to cross-check their particulars, correct mistakes in their forms, if any. The change of city of exam and the change of mode of exam from computer based to pen and paper based will not be allowed. However the change of mode of exam from pen and paper based to computer based is allowed. The change of city of exam will only be allowed if a candidate changes his mode of exam from pen and paper based to computer based.
The candidates should make correction in their forms, if any, by 14-Feb-2013. Thereafter no correction in particulars will be entertained by JEE unit under any circumstances.
The additional Fees (if applicable) should be sent by Demand Draft and with a copy of earlier confirmation page by 18-Feb-2013 to the address mentioned below
The Executive Director
Joint Entrance Examination Unit
Central Board of Secondary Education
F.I.E, 482, Patparganj, Industrial Area,

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JEE (Main) 2013 Notification for Computer Based Examination

It is to notify the candidates appearing for the Computer based Exam for JEE (Main) 2013 in Kerala that the Board has decided to create 3 more centers in Kerala. Earlier Ernakulam was the only Computer based examination center in Kerala. The exam will be conducted on 9th, 22nd, 23rd and 15th April, 2013.
The Board took this decision to facilitate the candidates appearing for the KEAM-2013 scheduled for 22nd and 23rd April,2013.
The new Centre cities are:
NOTE: The Computer based Exam will be conducted on the same dates on which it’ll be conducted all over in India.
The Candidates who are appearing for Computer based Exam for JEE (Main) and KEAM 2013 may choose any of the new centre of their choice, according to their convenience.
NOTE: This facility of choosing the centre will be available upto Feb 22,2013.
To read the official notification from JEE (Main) visit following link:

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Civil Services Examination 2013

The Civil Services Examination is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the recruitment to Civil jobs in India like Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Ordinance Factories Service, Indian Forest Service (IFS), Indian Police Service (IPS) and Indian Revenue Service (IRS).
The Civil Services Exam is a competitive exam in which candidates appear from whole nation. The Exam is conducted in three stages as
Stage I- Preliminary Examination.
Stage II- Main Examination. The candidates who clear the Preliminary Exam are allowed to appear for the Main Examination.
To know about the Results of Civil Services (Main Exam) Oct 2013 visit
Stage III- Personality test.
Eligibilty-1. It is necessary for a candidate to be Indian for Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service.
2. A degree of Central, state University.
3. To appear for the exam, the candidate must be of 21-30 years of age. However age limit is relaxed to 5 years to a SC candidate.
Notification- The Civil Services Exam 2013 was scheduled to be notified on 2nd Feb 2013. However due to some Administrative problems the Exam wasn’t notified on 2nd Feb 2013. The Revised Date of the exam will be intimated at the appropriate time.
To read the official notification click here
To visit the official site of UPSC, click here

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