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Engineering Services Examination 2011:Mechanical Engineering Question Paper I (Conventional)

Solve the Mechanical Engineering (Conventional) Question Paper of 2011 Engineering Services Examination.
2. (a) An engine fitted with a single jet carburettor having a jet diameter of 1.25 mm has a fuel consumption of 6 kg/hr. The specific gravity of fuel is 0.7. The level of fuel in the float chamber is 5mm below the top of the jet when the engine is not running. Ambient conditions are 1 bar and 17°C. The fuel jet diameter is 0.6 mm. The discharge coefficient of air is 0.85. Air-fuel ration is 15. Determine the critical velocityof flow at throat and the throat diameter. Exprexx the pressure at throat in mm of water column. Neglect compressibility effect. Assume discharge coefficient of fuel flow is 0.60.   15
(b) Find the percentage increase in the efficiency of a Diesel Cycle having a compression ratio 'r' of 16 and cut off ratio 'r' is 10% of the swept volume, if Cv decrease by 2%. Take Cv← 0.717 kJ/kg °K and γ← 1.4.  15
(c) Explain the knocking phenomenon in a CI engine. Compare it with that of SI engines. Discuss the effect of operating variables on delay period and diesel knock.       10
Click on Mechanical Engineering (Conventional) Question Paper to take test here and prepare better.
Engineering Services Examination 2011:Mechanical Engineering Question Paper I (Conventional)

Engineering Services Examination 2011:Mechanical Engineering Question Paper II (Conventional)

Solve the Mechanical Engineering (Conventional) Question Paper of 2011 Engineering Services Examination.
3. (a) Designed a closed coiled helical spring to have spring index of 8. Axial defelction in spring is not to exceed 100 mm under an axial load of 2600 N and shear strees developed in spring is not to exceed 300 N/mm2 . Steel wires are available in diameters of 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 mm (in steps of 1mm). Determine most suitable wire diameter, mean coil diameter and number of coils in spring.
Given G = 84000N/mm2 .  10
(b) A two-cylinder uncoupled locomotive has inside cylinders 70 cm apart, the cranks are at right angles and are each 0.3 m long. The mass of revolving parts per cylinder is 160 kg and the mass of reciprocating parts per cylinder is 180 kg. The whole of the revolving and two-thirds of the reciprocating parts are to be balanced and the balance masses are to be placed in the planes of  rotation of the driving wheels at a radius of 80 cm. The driving wheels are 2 m diameter and 1.5 m part.
Find the magnitude and position of the balance masses. The driving crank speed is 300 r.p.m.                           15
(c) Draw a neat sketch of a cotter joint and show how its various elements are likely to fail under tensile loading. Give one engineering application of this joint.                                                                                                     5+4+1
(d) What is Bauschingers's effect ? Make a neat sketch of strees-strain diagram and explain how yield strength in compression is reduced than the yield strength in tension.                                                                                           5
Click on Mechanical Engineering (Conventional) Question Paper to take test here and prepare better.
Engineering Services Examination 2011:Mechanical Engineering Question Paper II (Conventional)

Union Public Service Commission Combined Medical Services Examination 2012

Union Public Service Commission invites applications for 2012 Combined Medical Services Examination for recruitment to the posts mentioned below
Name of the Posts and Number of Vacancies
  • Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways: 250 vacancies
  • Assistant Medical Officer in Indian Ordnance Factories Health Service: 66 vacancies
  • Junior Scale Posts in Central Health Services: 150 vacancies
  • Medical Officers in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi: 204 vacancies
  • General Duty Medical Officer in New Delhi Municipal Council: 32 vacancies
Important Dates for UPSC Combined Medical Services Examination 2012
  • Last Date for Receipt of Application Form: 23 April 2012 till 11:59 PM
  • Tentative Date of the Written Examination (liable to change): 17 June 2012
Eligibility Criteria for UPSC Combined Medical Services Examination 2012
Educational Qualification: A candidate should have passed the written and practical parts of the final MBBS Examination along with the rotating internship.

UPSC Combined Medical Services Examination Syllabus 2012

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on 24 March 2012 published its Combined Medical Services Examination, 2012 notification for recruitment to the category of Assistant Divisional Medical Officer, Junior Scale Posts, Medical Officers & General Duty Medical Officer. Last date for receipt of application is 23 April 2012 till 11:59 PM. The Written Examination is scheduled to be held on 17 June 2012 (liable to change).
Here you will find all the necessary details about the syllabus of the subjects that are to be included in the Written Examination. Written Examination for each category will include basic two sections
  • The Written Examination (500 marks) will comprise of two sections:
a)      Part I (250 Marks): General Ability- 30 questions; General Medicine- 70 questions; Paediatrics- 20 questions
b)      Part II (250 Marks): Surgery- 40 questions; Gynaecology & Obstetrics- 40 questions; Preventive & Social Medicine- 40 questions
For more Syllabus details CLICK HERE
To know more about the Examination CLICK HERE

Practice Paper for IBPS Bank Clerk Common Written Exam (CWE) 2011

This is the right place to practice for IBPS Bank Clerk CWE Exam which will be conducted by IBPS on three dates namely 27 November 2011, 4 December 2011, and 11 December 2011. These test papers will not only be beneficial for IBPS exam but also for other Bank Clerk Exams in near future. The Practice Set / Sample Questions available here will help you learn quicker approach to answer questions in exam hall, manage time, and prepare for the exams in the shortest period. has enlisted links of the Practice Set/ Sample Questions for practice of aspirants that will help them gauge the benefits of their study over the months.

IBPS CWE Clerical Cadre Exam 2011 Practice Set- 6

IBPS CWE Clerical Cadre Exam 2011 Practice Set- 1

IBPS CWE Clerical Cadre Exam 2011
                                        SET-2  SET-3 SET-4 SET-5 SET-6 SET-7

This is the right place to practice for IBPS CWE Clerical Exam which will be conducted by IBPS on 27 November 2011. The Practice set/Sample Questions available here will help you learn quicker approach to answer questions in exam hall, manage time, and prepare for the exams in the shortest period. This will help you gauge the benefits of your study over the months.
Reasoning Ability

1. '2' is subtracted from each even digit and '1' is added to each odd digit in the number 7652348. Which of the following will be the difference of the second digit from the right and the third digit from the left of the new number thus formed?

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 4

(D) 6

(E) 3

Ans: (C)

2. In a certain code 'RAISE' is coded as 'FTJBS' and 'LEASE' is coded as 'F'TBFM'. How will 'FLOWN' be coded in the same code?

IBPS CWE Clerical Cadre Exam 2011 Practice Set- 2

This is the right place to practice for IBPS CWE Clerical Exam which will be conducted by IBPS on 27 November 2011. The Practice set/Sample Questions available here will help you learn quicker approach to answer questions in exam hall, manage time, and prepare for the exams in the shortest period. This will help you gauge the benefits of your study over the months.
1. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ORGANISED each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?

(1) None

(2) One    

(3) Two

(4) Three   

(5) More than three

Ans: (3)

2. '12' is related t6 '36' in the same way as' 17' is related to _.

(1) 51    

(2) 34    

(3) 68

(4) 63    

(5) 71

Ans: (1)

Directions (Q. 3-4): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

P, Q, R, S, T, Y and Ware sitting around a circle facingat the centre. R is second to the right of P who is to the immediate right of Y. S is second to the left of V. Q is second to the right of W who is not an immediate neighbour of Y or S.

3. Who is second to the right to T ?

(1) V    

(2) P

(3) W

(4) Data inadequate

(5) None of these

Ans: (2)

4. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate right of the second person ?

(1) RQ    

(2) QS    

(3) ST

(4) VP    

(5) None of these

Ans: (5)

Directions (Q. 5-7): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

IBPS CWE Clerical Cadre Exam 2011 Practice Set- 3

This is the right place to practice for IBPS CWE Clerical Exam which will be conducted by IBPS on 27 November 2011. The Practice set/Sample Questions available here will help you learn quicker approach to answer questions in exam hall, manage time, and prepare for the exams in the shortest period. This will help you gauge the benefits of your study over the months.


1. What should come next in the following number series? 9 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 9 7 5 3 8 6 4 9 7 5

(A) 8  

(B) 3   

(C) 6

(D) 4

(E) None of these

Ans: (B)

Directions (Q.2-3) : Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the the questions given below: R $ 5 4 I J M @ P 3 © A Q T 2 W 1 % U V 6 B E N 8 * 7 δ D

2. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a letter and not immediately followed by a letter ?

(A) None   

(B) One   

(C) Two

(D) Three   

(E) More than three

Ans: (D)

3. If all the numbers from the above arrangement are dropped, which of the following will be the ninth to the right of J ?

(A) 1   

(B) A   

(C) Q

(D) T   

(E) None of these

Ans: (E)

4. A mountain would necessarily have

(A) some trees   

(B) a valley   

(C) a peak

(D) a steep cliff

(E) snow

Ans: (C)

Directions (Q.5-6) Each of the questions given below is based on the given diagram. You have to take the given diagram to be true even if it seems to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the five alternatives following each question logically follows from the given diagram. The diagram comprises three circles showing people from three different countries who have travelled to either, both or none of the countries mentioned in the diagram.

5. Which of the following is true about A ?

IBPS CWE Clerical Cadre Exam 2011 Practice Set- 4

This is the right place to practice for IBPS CWE Clerical Exam which will be conducted by IBPS on 27 November 2011. The Practice set/Sample Questions available here will help you learn quicker approach to answer questions in exam hall, manage time, and prepare for the exams in the shortest period. This will help you gauge the benefits of your study over the months.
1. Haw many such pairs of digits are there in the number 5234816 each of which has as many digits between them in the number as when the digits are arranged in descending order within the number?

(1) None   

(2) One    

(3) Two

(4) Three    

(5) More than three

Ans: (5)

2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so from a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

(1) Turmeric

(2) Gourd    

(3) Potato

(4) Carrot    

(5) Ginger

Ans: (2)

Directions (Q. 3 - 4): Following questions are based on the five three-digit numbers given below:
493 879 365 258 642

3. If the positions of the first and the third digits within each number are interchanged which of the following will be the second digit of the second lowest number?

IBPS CWE Clerical Cadre Exam 2011 Practice Set- 5

This is the right place to practice for IBPS CWE Clerical Exam which will be conducted by IBPS on 27 November 2011. The Practice set/Sample Questions available here will help you learn quicker approach to answer questions in exam hall, manage time, and prepare for the exams in the shortest period. This will help you gauge the benefits of your study over the months.


1. 'DIVE' is related to 'EIVD' and. 'SOUL' is related to 'LOUS' in the same way as 'FEAR' is related to
1) AERF   

2) AFRE   


4) REAF   

5) None of these

Ans: (4)
Directions (Q.2 - 3): Following questions are based on the five three-digit numbers given below: 493 879 365 258 642
2. Which of the following is the sum of the first and the second digits df the second highest number ?

IBPS CWE Clerical Cadre Exam 2011 Practice Set- 6

This is the right place to practice for IBPS CWE Clerical Exam which will be conducted by IBPS on 27 November 2011. The Practice set/Sample Questions available here will help you learn quicker approach to answer questions in exam hall, manage time, and prepare for the exams in the shortest period. This will help you gauge the benefits of your study over the months.
 1. Each consonant in the word TEMPORAL is changed to the previous letter in the English alphabet and each vowel is changed to the next letter in the English alphabet and then letters so arrived are arranged in alphabetical order, which of the following will be the fourth from the right end ?
(1) F
(2) P
(3) L
(4) K
(5) None of these
Ans: (5)
2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so from a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?

IBPS CWE Clerical Cadre Exam 2011 Practice Set 7

This is the right place to practice for IBPS CWE Clerical Exam which will be conducted by IBPS on 27 November 2011. The Practice set/Sample Questions available here will help you learn quicker approach to answer questions in exam hall, manage time, and prepare for the exams in the shortest period. This will help you gauge the benefits of your study over the months.
1. How many meaningful English  words can be made with the letters ASTE using each letter only once in each word?

(A) None    

(B) One

(C) Two    

(D) Three

(E) More than three

Ans: (D)

IAS Interview 2012: Important Topics for Indian Economy

In this era of globalisation when every individual is an integral part of world economy the need of awareness of economic issues grows several times. At a time when you can’t isolate yourself from economic developments world over, it is required for every individual to know the economy thoroughly.
Economy, that covers a considerable proportion of the current affairs syllabus, alone can make a great difference in one’s performance in the civil services interview. Economy, both Indian and international are equally- important as both are interlinked and affect each other a great deal. As an IAS aspirant one is expected to know the economic issues well as it defines one’s sensibility towards the developments that takes place on economic front.

A candidate who has a fair knowledge of economic issues certainly holds an edge over others who are ignorant of economic developments around. Economic terms like inflation, GDP, CRR, SLR are not only economic terms but an important part of your preparation of civil services exams. We are here suggesting you some significant topics that you must read as a part of your preparation for IAS interview..

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