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Amazing Facts About Zoology

  • Painless killing of a person or animal suffering from an incur- able disease is Euthanasia.
  • The iron-containing, red, respiratory pigment of vertebrate sand a few invertebrates that transports oxygen is Hemoglobin.
  • Gonad is the organ which produces gametes in animals and in some produces hormones too.
  • Epidemic is the term is used to describe a disease which spreads quickly to affect a large proportion of the population.
  • The period during which an embryo develops in the uterus of a mammal, from the time of conception to birth is called Gestation period.
  • The scientific study of heredity, that is, the passing on of characteristics from parents to their off spring is Genetics.
  • Estrogen is any of a group of steroid hormones containing 18 carbon atoms produced chiefly by the ovary and placenta but also by the testis and adrenal gland of all vertebrates.
  • Gall bladder is a small pouch-like organ that stores bile secreted from liver and in humans it is a pear- shaped sac that rests on the underside of the right portion of the liver.
  • The science dealing with the various races of mankind, their distribution relationship, culture and activities is Ethnology.
  • Gland is an organ which secretes specific chemical compounds such as enzymes or hormones.
  • Science dealing with the selective genetic improvement of the human race is Eugenics.
  • Drugs which promote or increase the elimination of secretions from the respiratory tract by coughing are Expectorants.
  • The branch of medical science dealing with diseases of women, particularly those affecting reproductive organs is Gynecology.
  • A mammalian embryo on it’s inter stages when the main features are clearly recognizable is called Foetus.
  • Gene is the basic unit of inheritance, it is gene is a short length of a chromosome made of DNA which influences a particular set of characters in a particular way.
  • The science dealing with the formation, composition, functions and diseased of blood is Hematology.
  • Insoluble deposits precipitated from the bile, when bile stagnates in the gall bladder, it becomes excessively concentrated and fond.
  • Genome is the complete set of chromosomes found in each nucleus of a given species, which contains the entire genetic material.
  • Glaucoma is an eye disease characterized by increased pressure of the fluid within the eye.
  • Enzymes are complex protein molecules produced by all plants and animals. These are catalysts which initiate, accelerate or, as negative catalysts, retard biochemical reactions without them- selves changing.
  • Epilepsy is a recurrent disorder of the brain function characterized by clouding of consciousness and associated with convulsions due to an abnormal discharge of nerve impulses in the brain.
  • An inherited disease in which the blood fails to clot is called Hemophilia.
  • Genetic engineering is a technique of altering the genetic makeup of an Organism it a specific purpose.
  • Ergonomics is the study relating to efficient use of human energy.
  • A chronic disease that can produce severe swelling of the joints is Gout.
  • The scientific study of aging is Gerontology.
  • Filariasis is an infestation with parasitic thread-like worms.
  • Estrogen is any of a group of steroid hormones containing 18 carbon atoms produced chiefly by the ovary and placenta but also by the test is and adrenal gland of all vertebrates.

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